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             STEEL HEAD GASKET                    COMPOSITE HEAD GASKET               CAM COVERS
             Modern multi layer steel construction,  Considerably thicker than the original  Polished Aluminium covers with the original
             makes this design the ultimate for   having a compressed thickness of 1.3mm  D type & LWE breather pipes. With or
             competition use. Available in a very wide  these gaskets are the strongest most  without a 2" Monza filler cap if required.
             range of thickness from 0.027" through to  reliable, composite type we know of.  Breather tube set purchased separately.
             0.140" makes adjusting the compression  Perfect for road or mild race. Suitable for  JCENG736E  Exhaust - no filler  £409-95
             ratio a breeze. Stocked mainly in 89mm  iron or aluminium block.         JCENG736EW Exhaust - with Monza filler  £495-00
             diameter for 3.8 Ltr  although we also stock  JCENG602B           4.2 Ltr  £155-00  JCENG736I  Inlet  £409-95
             a limited range in 88mm diameter 3.8 Ltr and                             JCENG737  Breather tube set  £148-95
             93.2mm or 93.7mm diameter for 4.2 Ltr.  HEAVY DUTY CYLINDER HEAD WASHERS
             Please contact our sales team for an up-to-  Thick and strong to avoid distortion.  CAM COVER BLANKING PLUGS
             date list of current stock. New thicknesses  CENG762          each £1-25  CNC machined aluminium reproduction of
             constantly being added. Our recommended  HEAVY DUTY CYLINDER HEAD NUTS   the original to fill the rear cover/head hole.
             starting point for a new engine build is  A replacement for the standard with  JENG654            each £29-50
             0.060" thick. Diameters quoted refer to the  improved quality and no possibility of  SUF107S  O ring  each £0-43
             gasket diameter not cylinder size. Suitable  bottom out.
             for iron or aluminium block.
                                                  CENG562                  each £1-56
             JCENG602C/027  89mm         £195-00
             Through to
             JCENG602C/140  89mm         £220-00
             JCENG602D/027  88mm         £195-00
             Through to
             JCENG602D/140  88mm         £205-00
                                                                                      CAM SPROCKET BOLTS
             JCENG602E/027  93.2mm       £195-00
             Through to                                                               High grade lightweight aircraft quality bolts
             JCENG602E/140  93.2mm       £205-00                                      pre-drilled for lock-wire. Fit for the job,   road
                                                                                      or race.
             JCENG602F/027  93.7mm       £195-00                                      JENG653                   each £6-95
             Through to
             JCENG602F/140  93.7mm       £205-00

        Please add VAT & carriage to all prices for                                   
        UK and EEC consumer sales at the current rate
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