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                                                                                             Jaguar ramp angle block
                                                                                             CNC machined from billet steel they
                                                                                             transform the performance of the
                                                                                             standard Salisbury Diff Unit, improves
                                                                                             strength and grip under acceleration
                                                                                             and reduces under steer when off the


            that improves the original

            In our long experience, parts fail in  This is now a standard engine     allowed us to manufacture new items
            competition for a variety of reasons,  improvement, available to all, but it  with superb quality engineering, that
            but there is always a cause and often a  demonstrates the way in which our  are better than the original with the
            remedy. We have taken a pro-active  process improves the breed.          advantage that it stops the car
            attitude towards these issues for many         problem                   consistently.
            years and re-engineered products to        f         f                   In order to guarantee quality and
            enable superior performance to the
                                                manufacture          analysis        reliability, it is our policy to control as
            original part.
                                                                                     many aspects of our product and
            For example, the ball race clutch              f          f              service as possible. This is why we
            release bearing featured opp  osite has       re-design                  have developed a self-sufficient
            been used in racing for many years and                                   engineering factory, that is second to
            the superior performance it                              The Jaguar      none. We find this especially necessary
            provided was also useful for road                        brake           in the high-performance field.
            use. So, we adapted it for                               problem
                                                                                     That’s why you should be sure you get
            economic production, in total 5                        known as
                                                                                     a Denis Welch original
            prototype designs were required                       ‘’Dunlop fear’
                                                                                     - look for our logo.
            before the item was deemed perfect      has been resolved with stiffer and
            for both applications and could be put  safer callipers which are FIA compliant
            into production.                     and are based on the originals.
                                                          A complete re-design and
                                                                   new tooling
                                                                    based on the
                       Dunlop front brake calliper                    drawings,
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