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P. 10
10 Please add VAT & carriage to all prices for
UK and EEC consumer sales at the current rate
expanded by 1600 sq ft
We have a long standing ambition to Then again in 2015 the stores was Each member of the team has a
provide the best solution to race expanded, with the addition of a 1600 dedicated desk and area to ensure
problems, although our parts facility sq ft parts warehouse. each order is processed quickly and
goes well beyond competition We now have an exemplary inventory efficiently, from initial order through to
requirements. dispatch.
of parts exceeding 260,000 items
We manufacture and stock a vast array covering over 9,500 product lines, and Our van frequently delivers to Northern
of standard road-going parts and can backed by fully trained staff who are Europe and customers can arrange pick
usually fulfil orders the same day. supported by a full e-commerce up and delivery of heavy items - even
website with UPS Carriage Cost whole cars can be catered for, by
As a result of demand the Autumn of
Calculator and secure online payment contacting us in advance to take
2010 saw the Denis Welch Motorsport
system with HSBC World Pay. advantage of beneficial carriage costs.
Stores Department undergo a huge
re-development, extending the existing Many of our overseas customers make
parts storage area by some 245% to use of our fast, reliable mail order
accommodate the vast array of parts service as it is backed up by one of the
now available. worlds leading couriers - UPS.
We can advise and supply solutions to your E-Type Jaguar problems
Talk to the people who know the marque Huge range - many parts made in house Extensive stock - most orders we can
well and can advise on the best solution. and not available elsewhere. fulfil next day.