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Julian Thomas – 1st place- Le Mans, Silverstone and Donington 2016. Photos: Malcolm Griffiths
We can help
bring a smile to your face
Racing has long been a passion at Denis Welch Motorsport and not enlightening
just for the company owner. Since our early days we have helped moments and continue to
many customers achieve their ambitions. We specialise these days in thrive. It also indicates the drive and
building, maintaining and developing cars for all sorts of competition commitment that has been necessary to
requirements from works cars to museum pieces and for a wide ensure that their 110 years of motoring history
variety of customers. Racing, Rallying, can be celebrated
event cars, fast road and track cars in 2016.
even Record holding cars (we still hold Jeremy Welch now owns
the UK fastest 100 mile speed record and manages the business,
regardless of car type, after 6 years following in his father’s
and with a 1954 Healey). Those owners footsteps and continues to
want the very best and they get it.
compete in Endurance and
These days we take customers briefs Classic races in Europe and
and engineer a car that is suited to the UK.
their needs and then offer trackside At Denis Welch Motorsport
support and even tuition to help them we always try to look after both
progress. To us it’s all part of the our customers and our supporters
service. Perhaps this is why our cars wherever possible. It’s the very
have won so many events in a variety essence of our lineage to be
of countries, with many different hands competitive, but we still wish to retain
at the wheel.
that spirit of friendship once the heat
Jeremy’s great grandfather John and noise die away.
‘Mawdesley’ Brooke was the If you are at a race event and you see
forerunner of this continuously our truck, please wander over and
evolving heritage. He was the have a coffee and a chat. Maybe we
inspiration behind many things can be the ones to put that big
mechanical, building cars as long ago smile on your face and create
as 1906 and then going on to building memories that will
World Record winning speed boats. last a lifetime.
The Brooke/Welch family have
overcome many of competition’s more
+44 (0) 1543 472244 © Denis Welch Motorsport 2016