Page 76 - 2016 Healey Performance Catalogue
P. 76
76 S T R A P S I S S A H C COMPLETE MANUFACTURING OF 4 & 6 CYLINDER CHASSIS AND REPAIR PARTS For more than 19 years we have made the 100/4 chassis to our usual high standards and tested it in race conditions. We have continuously invested in our alignment Jig and Press Tooling to ensure highly accurate chassis geometry and to facilitate the manufacture of a considerable range of chassis repair sections. Around 10 years ago we added the manufacture of 6 cylinder complete chassis to compliment our product range. Having access to a large number of original chassis and sub component drawings has allowed us to now fully draw all of our chassis variants in our CAD package. We have modelled the complete chassis and carry out finite analysis to a much higher level than any of our competitors, every single component is laser cut from electronic drawings enabling exceptional accuracy. For further details on the range of individual products see our separate chassis parts lists or our website for more details. BRITISH BUILT MADE TO LAST Please add VAT & carriage to all prices for UK and EEC consumer sales at the current rate
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